Flight Training

LOM PRAHA's Flight Training Center (CLV) in Pardubice

Our modern training programs combine interactive teaching methods, state-of-the-art simulators, and real flight experiences on our own Mil helicopter and airplane fleet, ensuring a dynamic and immersive learning environment. At CLV, our instructors bring their extensive careers and real-world aviation experiences to the training process, delivering more than just flying skills.
Each participant benefits from an individualized approach

Flight Training Center boasts a rich history and global recognition

Expert Instructors
Instructors with real in-theater knowledge, providing students practical insights beyond traditional teaching.
Big Aircraft Fleet
Diverse fleet including Enstrom 480, Mi-17, L-39, L-410, and Z-142C, combined with state-of-the-art simulators.
Tailored Training
Flexibility in course design, catering to individual needs and experience levels.


At CLV, our instructors bring their extensive careers and real-world aviation experiences to the training process, delivering more than just flying skills. We go beyond, passing on invaluable insights gained from in-theater deployments and vast aviation careers to our students, ensuring they graduate as true aviation professionals capable of efficiently operating technology and fulfilling missions with excellence.

Our distinguished Flight Training Center boasts a rich history and global recognition, while our instructors' expertise is rooted in real in-theater encounters. With our dedicated aircraft fleet, including Enstrom 480, Mi-17, L-39, L-410, and Z-142C, along with advanced simulation technologies, we offer tailored modular courses that adapt to your demands or provide comprehensive solutions.

Each participant benefits from an individualized approach, respecting their experience level, and our fully certified training programs guarantee top-quality education. LOM PRAHA's Flight Training Center stands as a beacon of excellence, nurturing aviation professionals who are ready to conquer the skies with confidence and competence.

Fighter Jet Training Excellence

Led by seasoned fighter pilots and industry experts, our comprehensive courses immerse you in the world of fighter aircraft operations, tactics, and maneuvers.

Dedicated Aircraft Fleet

With our dedicated aircraft fleet, including Enstrom 480, Mi-17, L-39, L-410, and Z-142C, along with advanced simulation technologies, we offer tailored modular courses that adapt to your demands or provide comprehensive solutions.
Helicopters  - Enstrom 480, Mi-17
Fighter Jets  - L-39
Heavy Airplanes - L-410
Light Airplanes - Z-142C